Monday, December 15, 2008

Emma's Squash Soup(s)

Cut open 5-6 small squash (one full cookie sheet's worth--the photos are from a double batch) and bake in the oven, halves down in a bit of water on a cookie sheet until you can easily poke through skin with a fork (35 minutes?). Wash, chop and boil about 8 potatoes. If they're thick-skinned, consider peeling (though Emma would frown at that choice). Saute 1-2 leeks in a healthy pour of olive oil. After a minute or two add 4-5 cloves of garlic. Throw in a carrot or two or three, cut into slices. Add spices: probably a bay leaf or two, maybe some thyme, sage if you're feeling crazy, cutting celery, parsley. Salt and pepper. Add water (start with 6 cups, add as needed), bring to a simmer. Or I guess you could pour the potato water right into the pot. Either way. Add potatoes. When squash is ready, scoop out flesh and add to pot. Blend the entire batch, return to pot, and simmer again to warm and reduce if necessary.

I know it's unhelpful that the spices don't have amounts next to them, but really, this soup is all about letting the leek and squash flavors do most of the work. Throw in any fresh herbs you have around, and if that's nothing than try salt and pepper first and go from there.

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