Saturday, October 25, 2008

Currant Jam

You want to strip the berries off their bracts into a colander to rinse them, then heat and simmer in a bit of water for about 10 minutes. Run them through a foley mill (or cheesecloth) to remove the skins. By our calculations, 4.5 quarts of berries + 1.5 C water = about 7.5 C currant juice.

Honey Recipe

6.5 C currant juice
3.25 t dry low-methoxyl pectin
3/4 C honey
9 t lemon juice
6.5 t calcium water (comes in a Pomona's pectin packet)

Mix pectin into honey, stirring well. Add lemon juice to berry juice in pot, bring to a boil (be careful not to scorch the bottom --stir, stir, stir). Add honey/pectin mixture, then return to a boil and boil for a timed 2 minutes, then add calcium water, stir that in, and remove the pot from heat. Can away! If I were a better person I'd have estimates for how many jars this makes. Um, sorry?

Sugar Recipe
4 C currant juice
1-2 C sugar (i'd recommend the high side, to counter the tartness)
2 t pectin
2 t calcium water

Process the same way.

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