Beet Risotto (serves 3-6)
1 C short-grain rice
1 quart broth
1 onion chopped as finely as you care to
1-4 cloves garlic
2-4 T olive oil
2-8 T butter
1/3 C dry red wine (optional)
1-2 C boiled or roasted beets cut into chunks
grated parmesan (optional)
salt and pepper to taste
In a large saucepan/pot, fry onions and garlic in butter and oil on med/low heat until soft. While doing this, bring broth to a VERY low simmer. When onions are soft turn up the heat and add rice. Stir quickly to prevent scorching for about a minute until rice grains become translucent. Then add the wine if you have it. Continue stirring to prevent scorching. When wine is absorbed/cooked off add 1-2 cups of broth. Continue stirring. When broth is absorbed add a cup or two more and stir until absorbed. Continue until rice is done or broth is used up. This part of the process is the most laborious bu if it takes more than a half an hour you could probably stand to cook it at a higher heat. If you run short of broth you can finish with water. Taste periodically to gauge doneness and to season. When rice is soft stir in the chunks of beet. Reduce heat. Watch your food turn a lovely magenta color. Let it simmer 10-15 minutes before serving. Now would also be the time to add your grated parm.
Thanks to Kristin C for initially rocking my world with this fabulous magenta food.